Mary Kayos

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Mary Kayos
Years Active Dates Needed
Members - Dale Morrison (lead guitar/backing vocals)
- Jason Beert (guitar/backing vocals)
- Matt Wong (drums/backing vocals)
- Sarah Bowman (bass/backing vocals)
- Sarah Williams (vocals)
- Former Members: Amethyst Thorpe (vocals), Andrea Horan (vocals), Mike Ray (guitar)

Formed to be a silly punk band with cross-dressing members, although both female singers did dress as per their gender, but rather gaudy, Mary Kayos was something new that blasted onto the Rapid City punk scene. While the looks and antics were strange (including a repeating sample of the phrase "Sex and Violence" as they entered the stage, whilst giving audience members wedgies on the way up), the message was feminism. Oddly enough, they had a following in Rapid City and in Pierre. Vermillion wasn't too sure what to think of them. Always dressed in costume (including a shirts with phrases such as "I Put The Whore In Horse", a decapitated Scottie dog skirt a-la a poodle skirt, and Sarah Bowman's famous "Fuck Off" beauty pageant sash) and terrible make-up, they came to play and have fun. The intent behind the band was to get more females involved in bands within a male dominated scene in Rapid City. The initial incarnation of Mary Kayos was Mike Ray on guitar, Andrea Horan on vocals, Matt Wong on drums, Dale Morrison on keyboard, Amethyst Thorpe on bass, and Jason Beert on guitar. The first practice was in Jason Beert's garage, and was put to a halt by the Pennington County Sheriff's Department. After this practice, Mike and Andrea realized what a wreck this was and proceeded to bow out. Amethyst took over as vocalist until the band no longer held an inspiration for her. Sarah Bowman agreed to step up and play bass for us. In need of a new vocalist, the band spread the word, with help from Ruth Milne's article in the Rapid City Journal, and a few people tried out. First was Brenda French. She had a great voice, and the band loved her, but after her initial tryout, she lost her voice. Realizing that she needed her voice for her job, she had to reluctantly drop out of the band. A 2nd girl tried out, but the band can't remember her name. She really didn't have what the band was looking for. The band though they were through until 17 year-old Sarah Williams called them up. She came to her first practice with lyrics written to a song she wrote, and belted out the song acapella. Impressed by her testicular fortitude to do something like that in front of total strangers, the band knew she was the one. Quiet and reserved, her persona as Sarah-Osis, or Sarah-Pocalypse, was the opposite of who she was off-stage. The kids went nuts for her and the rest of the band, creating a new dance move called "The Kayos Pile." Of course, this was nothing more than a dogpile in the pit, but the band appreciated it. The band proceeded to do a mini-tour of South Dakota, opening for the Hudson Falcons in Vermillion (with Fuck The Genre), Pierre, and Rapid City. Not much longer after returning from tour, drama engulfed the band and the only option was to breakup.


Live Recordings




  • 2 t-shirts were available

The first, a 2-sided shirt stating "We Put The Fuck In Fuck You" The 2nd, a 1-sided shirt with Tura Satana graphic and "Go Fuck Yourself" underneath.

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